Aquantuo Membership Programme

Bulk ShipmentsStandard shipping fees5% off if total weight exceeds 66lbs/30kg10% off if total weight exceeds 66lbs/30kg
Frequent ShipperStandard shipping fees5% off the cost for every 5th shipment5% off the cost for every 5th shipment
Buy for Me/Concierge serviceStandard processing fees - 5%A service charge of 4.5% for Buy For Me/Concierge Services if the total cost of items exceeds $500A service charge of 4% for Buy For Me/Concierge Services if the total cost of items exceeds $500
Pick up from local stores(Apple, Walmart, Sam's Club, Costco, BJs,etc) within Delware, USACost varies. $25 minimumFree, if within the state of Delaware.Free, if within the state of Delaware.
Received Item State VerificationStandard/minimal checksOn request, extensive checks to confirm state of received items at no additional charge prior to shippingOn request, extensive checks to confirm state of received items at no additional charge prior to shipping
Additional picturesLimited to 1 picture. $1 for additional pictures.Free unlimited number of picturesFree unlimited number of pictures
Return to retailer/shipperPays all applicable chargesShipping cost back from destination country to our warehouse in the USA, UK, Canada is covered if under $20 and 5% off if weight is more than 3lbsShipping cost back from destination country to USA, UK, Canada is covered if under $20 and 5% off if weight is more than 3lbs
Additional storage in US/Canada/UK/China15 days maximun hold period if items are not being consolidated. $10 per day after30 working day hold period if items are not being consolidated45 working day hold period if items are not being consolidated
Additional storage in destination countryMay depend on destination country and size of package15 days from time of notice of package arrival before storage kicks in. Storage is $4 per day30 days from time of notice of package arrival before storage kicks in. Storage is $4 per day
Priority/Express ShippingPays full Express Shipping costDiscounted Express Shipping CostDiscounted Express Shipping Cost
Pick up within Ghana for exports to the USApplicable pick up charges accessedFree, if within 48km/30 miles from Aquantuo's regional officeFree, if within 48km/30 miles from Aquantuo's regional office
Extra packaging material/ unique packagingExtra cost-varies-$1 minimumFreeFree
Special Requests( verify equipment state, assemble parts, etc)Extra cost-varies-$5/KES 500 / GHS 25 minimumIncluded for most requestsIncluded for most requests
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*Frequent Shipper and Bulk Shipments can't be combined on the same shipment